Importance of Water

Concept Explanation

Importance of Water

Uses and Importance of Water:

The uses of water can be broadly divided into agricultural, domestic, and industrial uses. The major portion of water in India is used in agriculture, as India is mainly an agricultural country.

1. Agricultural: Nearly 60% of the Indian population depends on agriculture for their living. and uses nearly 90% of all water for irrigation. Irrigation systems are necessary because the monsoons are unpredictable and in regions where cultivation completely depends on the rain, no rain can result in reduced yields or even total crop failure.

2. Domestic: Water required for household use is called domestic water. It is required for a variety of purposes such as drinking, preparing food, bathing, washing clothes and dishes watering plants, etc We generally get water in our homes in one of the following two ways It is either delivered by the municipal water distribution system, or we extract it from an underground source through a motor-driven tube well. In cities, municipal water treatment plants supply homes with treated water that matches drinking water standards. In rural areas, however, over 80% of the domestic water comes from underground sources.

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Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Nearly 60% of Indian population depend on ______________________________ for their living .

Right Option : A
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Question : 2

Water required for household use is called ______________________ .

Right Option : B
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Question : 3

Which of the following are correct :

(a) Water helps in the germination of seeds and the growth of plants.

(b) Water dissolves the nutrients in soil and fertilizers for easy absorption by plants.

(c) Water provides appropriate pressure to plant tissues for the maintenance of their structure.

Right Option : D
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